
It's hard to grasp how people love, when you've never experienced love yourself. I was talking to the current holder of my heart, and she shared something interesting with me. Her troll friend, who lacks any geniune connections to anyone or anything told her, "he loves everyone he dates. He has loved everyone the same, you're no different.."

Now, we both know she's a troll. A very lonely, pathetic, and rude shell of a woman who's #mcm would walk past her on the street, but she'd still let him hit after he left his girlfriend's house later that day. Just so yanno know the kind of person we're dealing with. So what she said didn't bother me, because trolls gonna troll..right?

What did however bother me was the thought that maybe someone else might read my hopless romantic way of life as a non-specific love party. Is there a love limit? Am I only allowed to love 1 or 2 women my entire life? Cause I'd have to have tapped out with my mom & grandma at birth. Or is that limit just for romantic love. I wasn't supposed to love any women before my current...even though she was in middle school when I was starting college, 3 states away, and it would be over 15 years before we even met. She how crazy that sounds to people who have actually had a life? To people who have actually had good intentions towards people they've dated. My relationships have lasted years..not 3 months, 3 weeks, 3 days, or in the troll's case been non-existent.

Trust me, everyone I've loved was different, and was loved different. I don't have a romance playbook that I just insert the next woman's name in. I don't even date the same kind of woman. It's hard being creatively in love, but each woman inspires new thoughts, new desires to make them happy that are simply not the same. There isn't a magic formula, cheat code, or exact directions...it takes a lot to make women happy. No matter what any of the women I've dated may think of me now...they all know that my love was geniune, honest and exclusively just for them. I pride myself on the fact that I love, respect,  and treat women the way their supposed to be treated. Ask my exes..they're all reading this..looking over a fence like "Mister" waiting for me to take ms. Celie's "until you do right by me" curse off them. Lol..#never



  1. No, i don't think there is a love limit. Love at its core doesn't change based on who we love. The expression does. Its different based on the person. The love you have for your parents is no different than the love you have for your friends, child or significant other. However, we do priotize their needs or wants based on the nature of the relationship, proximity, history and so on. Eg. you will likely pay ur kids daycare tuition first before u let a good friend who is in a bind hold $500... you love em both though. The intensity in how we love (the sacrifices we make, giving gifts, offering support, advise and so on) will always be limited because its really all conditional. we're humans. Usually if we feel that the person on the receiving end dosent do the same for us, we start minimizing our efforts.

    1. Oh and your Girl's friend is trash for that comment. I hope she said some petty, slick ass shit back to her.

    2. Yea, she's definitely an asshole...but unhappy people usually are. I feel you on the minimizing efforts, i try my best to not let people's shortcomings influence how i treat them, which usually backfires on me. I am a turn the other cheek kinda dude, until I get fed up. Once I get fed up tho...it's Sayōnara muthafucker.


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