Live your dreams...

I was talking to a young dude today, trying his best to "make it" in the industry. He started telling me how his family didn't support his dreams. How his girl doesn't "see" a future in him. How hard it's been to make it to where he's at and how disappointing it is that he hasn't gotten further. He then ask me the question I get the most often, "how did you make it?" I sometimes talk to high school students, I've been on music industry panels, and this is one of the most asked questions at parties and by strangers. I told him like I tell anyone, a dream is just a dream until you fulfill it. Meaning, you can't bank on a dream. You can't give up tangible things like paying bills, eating, being able to take care of yourself/family for a dream. It is ideal to live the life you've always wanted, always dreamed of, and have put your heart and soul into. I'm not saying give up your dreams, I'm saying realize until i...